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#   vent cations, anions, trace elements and metals
#   D. Foustoukos (Carnegie Inst. of Washington)
#   version: 8 Jan. 2014
date        year  month  day  yrday  site         lat      lon      distance  depth_cm  sample_descrip        sample_id           temp        activity   Li     Na     NH4    K      Mg_IC  Mg_USC  Ca_IC  Ca_USC  Cl     Br     F      NO3    PO4    SO4    Sr     Cs     Rb      Ba      Mn       Fe       Ni      Cu     Si     
5/22/2012   2012  05     22   143    2            nd       nd       0         30        Red_Syringe           0522_R_site2        110         vent       0.84   476    0.29   10.9   53.7   53.13   10.2   10.42   547    0.691  0.258  0.456  0.035  23.8   0.086  0.754  3.972   1.355   5.57     0.612    1.836   0.021  n/d    
5/22/2012   2012  05     22   143    1            nd       nd       0         30        Yellow_Syringe        0522_Y_site1        74.7        vent       0.83   492    nd     11.0   55.7   44.74   11.1   8.94    603    0.760  0.257  0.453  0.123  27.6   0.078  0.416  2.952   0.65    3.931    10.657   3.415   0.264  1201.2  
5/23/2012   2012  05     23   144    2            nd       nd       50        30        Red_Syringe           0523_R_site2        90.2        vent       0.80   478    nd     9.7    55.5   53.45   10.8   10.72   584    0.654  0.259  0.450  0.041  26.4   0.088  0.555  2.235   0.992   7.98     6.484    3.575   0.256  678.9  
5/23/2012   2012  05     23   144    2            nd       nd       100       30        Yellow_Syringe        0523_Y_site2        76.2        vent       0.80   449    nd     9.2    52.4   54.26   10.2   10.73   534    0.727  0.263  0.461  0.079  24.6   0.086  0.721  2.636   0.9     8.419    19.012   2.284   0.35   713.0  
5/25/2012   2012  05     25   146    1            nd       nd       100       30        Red_Syringe           0525_R_site1        80          vent       0.88   558    0.26   13.7   63.5   62.32   13.5   13.30   629    0.794  0.264  0.432  0.036  29.0   0.108  0.613  6.033   0.221   5.864    2.69     1.118   1.983  176.6  
5/25/2012   2012  05     25   146    1            nd       nd       50        30        Yellow_Syringe        0525_Y_site1        63          vent       2.11   524    2.52   35.6   40.2   32.24   22.3   18.35   629    0.605  0.258  0.496  0.064  18.8   0.139  0.594  36.383  1.751   22.886   14.147   0.735   3.427  7.6    
5/25/2012   2012  05     25   146    2            nd       nd       150       30        Red_Syringe           0525_R2_site2       60.5        vent       0.79   534    nd     10.8   62.2   57.27   13.4   11.40   598    0.848  0.268  0.468  0.051  28.8   0.093  0.226  1.369   0.571   2.285    5.806    0.952   3.855  268.5  
5/25/2012   2012  05     25   146    1            nd       nd       150       30        Yellow_Syringe        0525_Y2_site1       40          vent       0.92   554    nd     14.5   62.3   58.48   16.4   13.58   631    0.905  0.264  0.430  0.048  29.5   0.109  0.79   7.096   0.455   5.902    1.987    1.315   5.624  9.0    
5/26/2012   2012  05     26   147    nd           36.7361  24.6222  nd        nd        Filia_Surface_Water   0526_Filia_surface  100.5       subaerial  1.21   227    2.19   11.5   21.9   41.30   10.9   19.22   297    0.289  0.238  0.435  0.087  21.5   0.111  0.456  23.252  3.07    97.972   275.555  14.495  2.776  1056.1  
5/26/2012   2012  05     26   147    2            nd       nd       0         30        Red-1                 0526_R1_site2       circa_111   vent       0.86   464    nd     11.4   51.1   48.16   10.4   9.71    514    0.687  0.259  0.474  0.099  21.5   0.08   0.811  4.644   0.911   5.322    4.178    0.352   4.031  665.6  
5/26/2012   2012  05     26   147    2            nd       nd       0         30        Red-2                 0526_R2_site2       circa_111   vent       0.87   506    nd     12.2   56.6   46.49   11.7   9.29    587    0.767  0.262  0.424  0.050  25.5   0.084  0.515  3.199   0.613   3.134    2.845    0.364   1.992  798.3  
5/26/2012   2012  05     26   147    1            nd       nd       0         30        Yellow_1              0526_Y1_site1       gt_100      vent       0.80   442    nd     9.5    49.8   59.64   9.9    11.84   637    0.731  0.256  0.424  0.038  29.4   0.098  0.054  1.412   0.092   0.553    0.311    0.31    1.814  nd     
5/26/2012   2012  05     26   147    1            nd       nd       0         30        Yellow_2              0526_Y2_site1       nd          vent       3.33   540    0.43   55.3   27.3   23.58   35.0   32.96   692    0.742  0.245  0.448  0.039  16.9   0.225  1.061  67.949  2.47    63.572   2.624    0.501   1.534  55.8   
5/27/2012   2012  05     27   148    orange_spot  nd       nd       0         10        Red_1                 0527_R1_orange      circa_91.9  vent       0.79   570    0.15   11.4   66.6   60.72   12.8   11.95   628    0.755  0.266  0.484  0.042  29.2   0.1    0.006  0.953   0.058   0.041    0.047    0.027   1.19   657.6  
5/28/2012   2012  05     28   149    orange_spot  nd       nd       0         15        Red_1                 0528_R1_orange      circa_102   vent       1.12   500    0.53   16.2   51.9   48.62   12.0   11.71   583    0.692  0.257  0.484  0.091  22.3   0.094  1.629  13.162  1.22    12.715   0.223    0.136   0.035  478.6  
5/28/2012   2012  05     28   149    orange_spot  nd       nd       0         5         Yellow_1              0528_Y1_orange      circa_91.9  vent       1.03   497    nd     14.5   53.0   26.38   11.1   12.72   595    0.745  0.257  0.453  0.106  23.9   0.094  3.151  27.434  3.956   28.318   0.381    0.229   0.001  197.4  
5/28/2012   2012  05     28   149    orange_spot  nd       nd       0         15        Red_2                 0528_R2_orange      117         vent       0.79   521    nd     10.6   59.8   34.42   11.6   6.51    636    0.775  0.265  0.742  0.041  29.5   0.098  0.001  0.89    0.184   0.027    0.119    0.125   0.574  13.5   
5/28/2012   2012  05     28   149    orange_spot  nd       nd       0         5         Yellow_2              0528_Y2_orange      118         vent       0.79   537    nd     10.9   62.8   51.41   12.1   11.04   628    0.882  0.269  0.443  0.031  29.6   0.095  1.216  9.457   2.768   9.359    0.611    0.303   0.074  424.6  
5/30/2012   2012  05     30   151    nd           36.7361  24.6222  nd        nd        Filia_Fluid           0530_Filia_fluid    100         subaerial  1.19   223    2.82   11.2   22.5   37.16   9.5    16.87   268    0.272  0.239  0.472  0.069  20.1   0.092  0.424  23.126  18.167  106.031  272.698  10.443  0.071  1956.4